137: Jung, Pauli, and the pursuit of a scientific obsession (with Sara Collins)

May 14, 2010, 7.00-8.00pm

The Travel Bookshop
13 Blenheim Crescent
London W11 2EE
020 7229 5260

Abstract: Jung, Pauli, and the pursuit of a scientific obsession

At a key time in his scientific development, the famous physicist Wolfgang Pauli underwent analysis by the celebrated analytic psychologist Carl Jung. The two quickly expanded their conversations to include physics, psychoanalysis, ESP, UFOs, Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Armageddon, where science came from and what was missing in both science and psychology to provide an understanding of the world in which we live. Both made enormous breakthroughs in their fields. But in their many conversations, they went much farther. The author, Arthur I. Miller, will be in discussion with psychoanalyst Sara Collins about some of the areas in which Pauli and Jung found common ground between physics and psychoanalysis and the light that their discussions cast on questions of knowledge and belief. Theirs was truly a meeting of physics and psychology.